At Fruity bread Facility, quality has always been our priority. We are dedicated in providing balanced food for your health and wellbeing.
Now, We are proudly certified By “Pakistan Standards” and “BBB Health and Nutrition Society International” which makes our product comprise of a unique combination of essential nutrition that help towards an Active Brain, Strong Bones And Powerful Body as suggested By BBB Society.
Now we have launched 5 more products in a new and improved packaging
Plain Cake: Fruity Plain Cake is a new take on a family favorite – Ideal as a snack or delicious dessert anytime, anywhere. It is made with whole milk so now you get all the goodness of milk in a delicious snack.
Cake Rusk: Fruity Cake Rusk is a deliciously bite-size snack. Enjoy it plain with tea or garnish with your favorite condiments for an instant favorite.
Mini Rusk: An improvised version of a rusk which would define a rusk in a new way launched for the first time in Pakistan.
Omega3 Bread: Fruity Omega 3 Bread is fortified with beneficial Omega 3. Fruity Omega 3 Bread is rich in Omega 3 so you can stay alert all day.
Fruity Max Bread: Larger and Tasteful Bread for bread lovers consisting of a larger loaf which would make your toast mouthful.
Kids! We have not finished yet. Our kids club is one of the new editions in our activities making children grow faster and stronger in a fun style.